Saturday, October 3, 2015

Project 1: Mock Ups in progress


  1. I like the metallic surface of overall design, but I think you can minimize the use for the affect on some parts (such as icons.) The adjustment buttons and are easy to find in each section, but I think you can shrink the icon size on the status bar a little bit. I really like the overall design and color of the media section. Also I like the design of seat heat controller too. I think the temperature screen a bit hard to see, so you can resize them bigger.

  2. My favorite thing about your piece is the deep steely charcoal color behind the music, I think you could roll with that throughout the piece.

    The lower level adjustment bar could be toned down a bit., I think the most prominent thing should be the ON button and I don't see it. Basically, I would just tone back on all of the gradients and chrome effects. Yes, I can see the most important things, volume and climate control, but visually all of the images and circles conflict with each other. As well as having two different greys and three different blues.

    Map: I wouldn't draw a fuzzy line with the brush tool. I'd try just using the pen tool or line tool to draw a line.

    I think your map could use more detail. Like where you're going, how long does it take to get there, what's your current route, your next turn, etc.

    Music: I'd work on the hierarchy of the text for your song information. Usually the play and pause button are one in the same.

    Again, on the top, you're using gradients, bevels and its kind of overwhelming. Use one or the other, it seems that you're using too man.

  3. Tone down the backgrounds of the icons. They overpower the illustration of the icons. Nice surfaces, though. Interesting and rather unconventional layout to adjustment bar, yet it is easy to understand. But not sure I understand the volume control. Do you tap it or do you slide it? Seat heating is a bit oversized for its importance and use. Similarly, temperature controls might be too small.Music module is simple and straightforward.Typography on music is has no hierarchy. Needs to more easily distinguish between song title, artist, etc.
